New Hampshire Judicial Branch. 2024 N.H. 1, State v. Shea"Prior to 2011, RSA 627:4, III codified the “duty to retreat” doctrine, providing that a person is not justified in using deadly force to defend himself from the use of deadly force by another when the person could, with complete safety, retreat from the encounter, unless he is in his dwelling or its curtilage and is not the initial aggressor." ... "[R]equiring a person to respond to a threat likely to cause serious bodily injury or death by retreating before being justified in responding with the non-deadly force of displaying a firearm would be inconsistent with the 2011 amendment of RSA 627:4, III(a). After 2011, a person is justified in using deadly force when he reasonably believes that another person is about to use unlawful, deadly force against him, and he is not required to retreat if he is anywhere he has a right to be and was not the initial aggressor."