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National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, 108 N.H. 386 (1967)

Reviewed 10/31/2023

National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, 108 NH 386 (1967)

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The Law Library has received many calls requesting a certified copy of the opinion in National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, 108 NH 386 (1967). This guide will explain how to get a certified copy of a New Hampshire Supreme Court opinion (not from the Law Library!) and provides the text of the opinion so that you can read it before paying for a certified copy. 

As far as we can tell, National Shawmut Bank v. Jones owes its rise in popularity to HB 1778, a bill introduced in the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 2018. HB 1778, titled "An Act relative to registration of commercial motor vehicles and operator's/drivers' licenses," references this case and was voted Inexpedient to Legislate by the New Hampshire House (which means the bill died).  

The case, National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, started as an action of replevin. You can find more information about replevin by following the link below. 

National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, 108 NH 386 (1967)

How to Get a Certified Copy of a NH Supreme Court Opinion

For a certified copy of 108 N.H. 386, contact the New Hampshire Supreme Court clerk's office. The Law Library does not provide certified copies of court opinions. 

New Hampshire Supreme Court
Phone: (603) 271-2646
Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri

The cost of a certified copy is covered by Supreme Court Rule 49. The cost is $10.00 plus 50¢ per page. You'll need to ask the clerk's office how many pages are in the opinion.

When you contact the clerk's office, be sure to give them the party names, National Shawmut Bank v. Jones, not just the citation, 108 N.H. 386. Generally, clerks' offices refer to cases by the party names or the docket numbers, not by where they are published.

Digitized House Committee File for HB 1778 2018

These are the digitized records of the House committee that considered HB 1778. The bill died in the House, so there are no Senate committee files.