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Consumer Debt Collection Exemptions

Reviewed 3/28/2024
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About This Guide

This guide focuses on items exempted by New Hampshire law from consumer debt collection practices. Income and property that are exempt cannot be taken to pay your debts. Exemption laws are designed to allow the debtor some basic necessities and the ability to earn a living. Included here are links to books, articles, laws, and cases.

If you have a problem with a debt collection agency in New Hampshire, contact the New Hampshire Consumer Protection & Antitrust Bureau at 603-671-3641. 

If you have a problem with an out-of-state debt collection agency, contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP or 1 877-382-4357 (toll free)

Please remember that this guide is for information purposes only and is not comprehensive.  
It is intended as a starting point for research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use. 
NH Law About ... is not a substitute for the services of an attorney.