Every bill introduced in the legislature is referred to a legislative committee and is given a public hearing. The name of the committee may be in the index to the legislative journals or on the journal page where the bill was introduced. For bills from 1989 to the present, the name of the committee will be in the online Bill Docket on the General Court's website.
What you find in the Committee files varies greatly, depending on the date, the importance of the legislation, and the records made by the Secretary of the Committee. Committee files may contain transcripts of testimony from hearings, written submissions, copies of the different versions of the bill, voting records, and other information. Sometimes they contain nothing or there is no file. Committee files are available as follows:
Audio files of some committee hearings are online. If there are audio files, links are on the House or Senate committee web pages or in the bill search results. Very few House committees have audio; most of the links you'll see in the bill search results are to Senate committee hearings.
If a study committee was established, the study committee will usually issue a report. "Study committee" includes legislative commissions, councils and task forces established to address a specific issue. Print versions of study committee reports from 1995 to present are held by the State Library. Some study committee information is online. If there was a committee of conference appointed, current reports are online at the General Court's website and are also recorded in the Journals. Since every bill must be passed in identical form by both the House and Senate before it can be enacted into law, committees of conference may be appointed to iron out differences in each chamber's version of the bill.