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Reviewed 11/27/2023
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New Hampshire Cases

Replevin is a very old remedy and there is a long history of New Hampshire Supreme Court cases that have developed and refined the law of replevin. Since it is so old, you will need to be careful in your case law research since early cases may have been preempted by changes in the replevin statute. You can find old case law at the Caselaw Access Project and more recent case law on Google Scholar. Both can be keyword searched.  

The best way to find cases is to use an annotated version of RSA 536-A. Find it in print by following the "Find it in a Library" link in the left-hand column of this page; find it online by coming to the Law Library and using one of our legal research databases. 

This site is maintained by the law librarians of the John W. King New Hampshire Law Library.
Our guides are for information purposes only and are not comprehensive.  
They are intended as starting points for your legal research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use. 
NH Law About ... is not a substitute for the services of an attorney.