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Statutes of Limitation (Civil)

Reviewed 10/30/2023
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New Hampshire Statutes

There are many statutes with time limits on filing actions. If RSA 508 does not fit your circumstances, we suggest that you start your research with the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated in print instead of keyword searching online. This is because many statutes say only that an action must be brought within “x” number of months or years and may never use the phrases “statute of limitations”  or "limitations of actions." Look in the print index under “limitations of actions.”   

New Hampshire Cases

The cases below are here to illustrate various situations that have involved some kind of time limitation on filing an action. They include: statutes of limitations, statutes of repose, non-claim statutes, and laches. There are many, many more cases. 

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Our guides are for information purposes only and are not comprehensive.  
They are intended as starting points for your legal research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use. 
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