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Summary Judgment

Reviewed 10/20/2023
Open to the public Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A to Z Database List / NHLL Blog


Most of the resources listed below deal with federal rules of civil procedure. Only one, Wiebusch on Civil Practice and Procedure, is about New Hampshire practice so researchers should start with that resource. Wiebusch is online on Lexis Advance (available free in the Law Library) or in print at the Law Library and several public libraries around the state. 

A general keyword search on "summary judgment New Hampshire" in our online catalog (see Search the Catalog above) turns up titles on employment law litigation, auto insurance litigation, and more. Don't limit your research on summary judgment to resources on civil procedure; look also at resources about your type of case. 


This site is maintained by the law librarians of the John W. King New Hampshire Law Library.
Our guides are for information purposes only and are not comprehensive.  
They are intended as starting points for your legal research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use. 
NH Law About ... is not a substitute for the services of an attorney.