Members of the New Hampshire Bar Association may borrow directly from the Law Library. Register to borrow using this form.
Court system personnel may borrow directly from the Law Library. Email
Members of the public may borrow through Interlibrary Loan. Contact your local public library for more information on how to do that.
Links with this icon lead to subscription databases. You must be at the Law Library to use these databases, or use the Westlaw Remote Patron Access link (see the top of the page).
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The American Law Reports (ALR) articles in the following list are available on Westlaw. You can come into the library to access Westlaw on one of our public terminals, use the Westlaw remote access link (at the first link below), or visit one of our partner public libraries throughout New Hampshire (see Legal Research @ Your Public Library below).
This site is maintained by the law librarians of the John W. King New Hampshire Law Library.
Our guides are for information purposes only and are not comprehensive.
They are intended as starting points for your legal research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use.
NH Law About ... is not a substitute for the services of an attorney.