This guide provide links to information about Jade's Law and to the bill's legislative history as well as to related research guides.
Jade's Law (RSA 169-C:7-a) was enacted in 2019 to create a procedure for a parent or guardian to file a protective order on behalf of a minor. According to testimony submitted at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on HB 427, the legislation was intended to close a narrow loophole in state law. Before Jade's Law was enacted, there was no procedure that allowed parents to seek enforceable civil relief against a family or household member who was abusing their child, unless that person had also abused the child's parent.
The petition should be filed in the Family Division jurisdiction where the child is found or resides. Forms are available at the courthouse.
"Jade's Law" is the popular name of this law. A law's popular name may be the legislative sponsor's name, may describe what the legislation is about (Whistleblowers' Protection Act), or may be named after a particular person, as Jade's Law is. Almost all federal laws are given popular names but New Hampshire doesn't use them as often. It can be difficult to find a New Hampshire law by its popular name because the name sometimes is not included in the text of the law. The popular name table in Westlaw or the print index to the statutes can help to locate a law by its popular name.
Please remember that this guide is for information purposes only and is not comprehensive.
It is intended as a starting point for research, to illustrate the various sources of the law, and to provide guidance in their use.
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