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Quick Guide: Dimming Headlights

Reviewed 12/20/2023
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The question that prompted this guide was "at what point do motorists have to dim their headlights when another vehicle is coming towards them" (for the answer, see RSA 265:114 Dimming Lights). That led us into some interesting side paths about when to use vehicle lights (see RSA 265:109 Period of Lighting; RSA 266:31 Front Lights) and other motor vehicle light-related issues.

RSA 265:109 through RSA 265:114 is all about Use of Lights: front and rear, parking, reflective, and headlights, but look also under the type of vehicle: school bus, motorcycle, antique, emergency, off-road, etc. As always, our best suggestion is to use the print index to the statutes. Look under “Motor Vehicles” and then under the subdivision “Lights and Lighting.”  Once you get to the appropriate RSA chapter, check the beginning of the chapter, which gives a list of subdivisions included, shows you the context of all of the statutes in that section, and functions as a table of contents for that chapter. Most of this information is found in RSA 265, Rules of the Road and RSA 266, Equipment of Vehicles.  

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New Hampshire Statutes

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